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Terms and Conditions

Gengmak (Internet Insurance Broker Co. Ltd.) (the "Company", "Gengmak", "we", "us", or "our") provide free online quotation services for motor insurance and related products, allowing users to research and compare various offerings. Our partners include insurance companies, banks, financial service providers, hospitals, car dealers, and car garages. Please note that we act as a broker and intermediary for our partners, and we do not underwrite any insurance or related products ourselves.

In addition to the comparison services, we conduct marketing campaigns for our partners and offer data analytics services. We collect and store customer information, consented by users. The collection and use of personal data are subject to our Privacy Policy.

1. Definition

  • "Product" or "Products" refers to the offerings displayed on our website and marketed on behalf of our business partners.
  • "Services" refers to the special campaigns, consultation, and unbiased comparison services provided by us for the products, in addition to offering a distribution channel through our website.
  • "Us," "Our," or "We" refers to Internet Insurance Broker Co. Ltd. and/or its Related Entities.
  • "You" refers to the user accessing all or part of this website.
  • "Terms of Use" refers to the terms and conditions, including any amendments or modifications made by us.
  • "Partners" refers to insurance companies, banks, financial service providers, hospitals, clinics, car dealers and car garages whose products are available on our website.
  • "Website" refers to Gengmak, owned and operated by Internet Insurance Broker Co. Ltd. and/or its Related Entities. However, it does not include any websites owned and operated by third parties accessible via links from our website.
  • "Related Entities" refers to Internet Insurance Broker Co. Ltd., Bjak Thailand Co. Ltd. and their affiliated companies.
  • "OIC" refers to the Office of the Insurance Commission in Thailand.

2. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions govern your use of this website. By using the website, you agree to comply with these terms of use and our privacy policy. Occasionally, Gengmak reserves the right to amend or change these terms of use without notice. Your continued use of or access to this Website following any such changes will signify your acceptance of the updated terms of use.

If you do not agree to these terms of use, you must refrain from using or accessing this website, and you are required to leave the Website immediately. Violation of these terms will result in the immediate termination of your access and use of the website.

Furthermore, we actively engage with our users on third-party platforms/websites, such as www.facebook.com/GengMakTH and our official LINE account (@gengmak), including other channels like TikTok and Instagram. It is important to note that we do not have control over these third-party platforms, and the terms of use and privacy policy outlined by us do not extend to these companies. We strongly advise you to review and adhere to the terms of use specified on the respective third-party platforms/websites.

3. Access and Use of the Website and Services

3.1 You are granted access to the website and its content under the conditions outlined in these terms of use and the privacy policy. Any use, copying, or distribution of the website's content beyond what is expressly permitted herein is strictly prohibited.

3.2 The website is intended for your personal, non-commercial use. Usage of the website for commercial purposes, illegal or unlawful activities, or any infringement upon our copyrights is strictly prohibited.

3.3 You are prohibited from using the website to:

  • Harm, threaten, defame, or harass individuals.
  • Seek, obtain, check, or modify the records or information of other visitors or users.
  • Interrupt, block, interfere with, or disrupt the access or use of the website or services from other users or visitors, or cause unreasonable or inappropriate harassment on our communication networks or systems.
  • Interfere with, alter, or reverse engineer any part of the website.
  • Use the website or our services in a manner that damages our reputation or takes advantage of us.
  • circumvent, disable, or interfere with the website's security features or any features that prevent or restrict content use. You must not disrupt the website, its servers, or connected networks, or violate any network requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations.

3.4 The products related to the services can only be ordered and provided within Thailand. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any prices quoted on the website are in Thai Baht currency and are valid exclusively in Thailand.

3.5 We reserve the right to deny or restrict website access to any individual, block access from specific internet sources, addresses, or countries, and terminate or delete user accounts without notice if the website is used in violation of these terms of use or if we determine it is in our best interest.

3.6 We do not guarantee uninterrupted access, although we strive to make the website as accessible as possible. If you experience difficulties accessing or using the website, please contact us. We may add, modify, edit, remove, or delete any content, information, or materials on the website deemed appropriate and necessary, without notice.

3.7 We have implemented website security standards, ensuring your information is encrypted using the latest security technology. While we endeavor to prevent unauthorized access, we are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from third-party unauthorized access.

3.8 Despite our best efforts to maintain a malware-free and secure website, we cannot guarantee that the website will always be free from viruses, malware, errors, or other harmful elements that could affect your device, network or system. We will make sure to promptly remove any viruses, malware, errors, or harmful elements as they arise.

4. Website Links and Cookies

4.1 This website may contain links to external websites that are not maintained by Gengmak, such as our partners' product offerings. By clicking on such links, you acknowledge that Gengmak does not have control over any data or information you provided to any other entity. Accessing such external websites is done at your own risk, and Gengmak bears no liability for any damages or losses resulting from such access.

4.2 The website may also include links to offers or promotions provided by our partners for your convenience. Gengmak does not endorse these offers or promotions expressed by our partners. We disclaim any liability associated with such content.

4.3 Any links to the website from other websites require our prior consent. We reserve the right to request the removal of links to our website if they have been placed without our consent.

4.4 A cookie is a small data file that is transferred to your device when you access the website. It enables us to store your account, IP address, web traffic, and the date and time of your visit. Gengmak uses cookies on the website to identify you as a user and to enhance our website and services. You have the option to disable cookies through your internet browser, although this may limit your access to the website and affect your user experience.

5. Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights

5.1 Gengmak is the rightful owner of the website. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, design rights, and other forms of intellectual property, are owned by or licensed to Gengmak. These terms of use do not constitute a transfer of any intellectual property rights.

5.2 These terms of use grant you only the necessary rights to access and use the website and its services; nothing herein grants you any legal ownership rights to the website.

5.3 You are granted permission to electronic copies and prints of the website solely for the purpose of using the services. Any other use of materials on the website, including modification, distribution, republication, transmission, display, performance, or reproduction for purposes other than those permitted above, is strictly prohibited without written permission from Gengmak.

5.4 Regarding any content you submit, it means you grant Gengmak a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable right; and a license to use, reproduce, communicate, distribute, copy, modify, delete, publish, translate, publicly display, publicly perform, derive from, sell, distribute, and/or incorporate it into any form, medium, or technology, without providing compensation to you. This license remains in effect even after the termination of these terms of use and your use of the website.

6. Obligations and Responsibilities

6.1 Disclosure of Information

6.1.1 The services provided by Gengmak are designed to assist you in finding and comparing products offered by our partners. We act as an intermediary and not as an underwriter of any product. It is crucial that you provide accurate and complete information on the website in order to obtain a comprehensive quotation based on your interests and requirements. Failure to provide accurate and complete information may result in an incomplete quotation or render you ineligible to find the desired product.

6.1.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that all information and data communicated to the respective partner is accurate, complete, correct, and not misleading. It is essential to disclose all relevant information to enable our partners to evaluate your eligibility for the selected product. If any errors occur, you should immediately inform our respective partner. Gengmak assumes no responsibility or liability for any incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete information provided by you to our partner, whether through the website or by other means.

6.1.3 If you are required to disclose information or data pertaining to another individual, it is your obligation to obtain permission and authorization from the owner of that information or data. We disclaim any responsibility or liability for any claims made by the owner in relation to the unauthorized disclosure of such information or data.

6.2 Security of Information

6.2.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that any device you use to access our website is free from malware, viruses, or any other elements that could potentially harass your information or cause harm to the website, its servers, and/or networks.

6.2.2 You are accountable to maintain the confidentiality, accuracy, and currency of your account, username, and password. You are also responsible for all activities carried out under your account. If you access and use the website on behalf of another person, you must acknowledge that you have the authority to bind that person to these Terms of Use. In the absence of such authority, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and accept liability for any wrongful use of the website or services.

6.3 Products and Services Displayed on Website

6.3.1 You acknowledge that the products and services displayed on the website are offered by our partners and are not under our direct control. The materials and information presented on the website by Gengmak are intended for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to conduct thorough research and make additional inquiries to fully comprehend the details of a product and assess its suitability and appropriateness for your needs. Gengmak assumes no responsibility for your purchase of any products or their suitability for your required needs. Please note that partners may make changes to their products without notice, and we cannot guarantee the availability of all products displayed on the website at times.

6.3.2 The purchase of any product/service will subject you to separate terms and conditions specified by the respective provider. It is your responsibility to carefully read and understand those terms and conditions, including any restrictions, exclusions, obligations, cancellation requirements, interest rates, applicable fees, charges, and other relevant details associated with the product.

6.3.3 You acknowledge that Gengmak only provides the website links and services and therefore does not constitute or imply financial or other advice regarding a product, nor the endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of such products by Gengmak.

6.3.4 If you have specific inquiries about a product or if you are dissatisfied and wish to file a complaint, you should directly contact the relevant partner offering the product. Our customer experience team will provide you with contact details if needed.

6.3.5 Cancellation and refund requests are reviewed individually by Gengmak and insurance providers. We retain the right to conduct an investigation, and the refund duration may differ for each approved request. All refunds are subject to the insurer's discretion, and users will be notified of the approval status. Please note that vouchers/discounts are non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable, and cannot be converted into cash under any circumstances.

7. Protection of Personal Data

The collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information or data is governed by our privacy policy, which is subject to periodic amendments, as well as all applicable data privacy laws related to Gengmak. If you have any inquiries concerning your personal data, please contact:


Address: Two Pacific Place Building, 142 Floor22 Room 2204, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110

Email address: dpo_privacy@gengmak.com or Tel. 020385908

Our operating hours are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

8. Limitation of Liability

8.1 The services provided by Gengmak are based on automated computer processes, and their use is undertaken at your own risk. We explicitly disclaim all liability for any damages, injuries, or losses that may arise from your use of the services or the website to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

8.2 Gengmak, along with its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, and agents, disclaim any responsibility or liability for any claims you may have related to a product or any claims that are inappropriate or unreasonable. This limitation of liability does not affect any claims you may have against the product provider under consumer protection laws or other applicable regulations.

9. Indemnification Agreement

You hereby agree to indemnify and hold Gengmak, as well as its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, and agents, harmless from any actions, proceedings, claims, losses, liabilities, penalties, charges, reasonable costs and expenses, damages, and third-party claims arising from or related to:

  • Your use of the website and the services.
  • Your breach of any condition in these terms of use.
  • Your violation of any law or the rights of a third party, including but not limited to copyright, property, or privacy rights.
  • Any claim that any information or content you submitted to Gengmak caused harm to a third party.

This indemnification obligation remains in effect even after the termination of these terms of use and your use of the website and the services.

10. Violation of These Terms of Use

If you violate any condition of these terms of use, Gengmak reserves the right to take appropriate action against you, including, but not limited to, suspending your access to the website and services, blocking devices associated with your IP address, and taking any other action permitted by these terms of use and applicable law. Furthermore, we reserve the right to seek damages or losses incurred as a result of your violation of these terms of use.

11. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These terms of use shall be construed and governed by the laws of Thailand. Any dispute arising out of or relating to these terms of use shall be referred to the court of competent jurisdiction in Thailand.

Effective from 16 May 2023